Moray West Offshore Works

Notice to Mariners and others at sea

The Moray Firth is used by a wide range of mariners for both commercial and recreation purposes. We aim to work closely with other mariners through construction and operation of Moray West, enabling everyone to operate safely with minimum of disruption.

For future marine works, guard vessels will operate to provide for safe operations, helping to enable other vessels to avoid inadvertently sailing into areas where works are being undertaken.

In addition to Notices to Mariners, we will issue Weekly Notices of Operations and Vessel Specification and Contractor Reports as marine works are planned. These will be posted on this web page, and will also be supplied to Marine Directorate, the Maritime and Coastguard Agency and the Northern Lighthouse Board.

Please see below for all notices.

Offshore Works Notices

Below is a complete library of all past and present work notices for the Moray West Offshore Wind Farm. Marine related documents are published by Marine Scotland, you can find them here.

Weekly Notice of Operations

Weekly notices providing information about construction progress and works planned for the coming week.

Notices to Mariners

These provide information about specific activities undertaken by Moray West.

Vessel Specification and Contractor Reports

These provide information about the vessels and contractors involved with the construction and operation of the wind farm.

Notice of Applications

This section provides notice of current offshore applications submitted for consultation.

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Offshore Permission and Decision Notices